quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2019

Indicação Desenvolvedores React Native com experiência

Estou procurando devs react native com experiência comprovada, para trabalhar no desenvolvimento de um app novo.

Quem tiver interesse, me encaminhe seu CV por e-mail que passarei para o responsável pela seleção.

Vinicius Schmidt 


Processo Seletivo para Estagiários - Campo Bom

As inscrições acontecerão dias 28, 29 e 30/08 e 02 e 03/09/2019.

terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2019

Oportunidade para Técnico de Suporte - Insoft4

Vaga para Técnico de Suporte:

- Gostar de desafios, superar metas e buscar os melhores resultados;
- Ter conhecimento em PL/SQL e Oracle. Conhecer CLT é um diferencial, excelência no atendimento ao cliente, comunicação, iniciativa, motivação e empatia;
- Ensino superior em andamento na área de Tecnologia da Informação, Sistemas de Internet, Jogos Digitais ou áreas afins.

Remuneração a combinar. 

Auxílio Educação
- Horário Flexível
- Plano de Carreira
- Reconhecimento por tempo de casa
Vale Alimentação
- Vale Transporte

Interessados devem encaminhar currículo para: rh@insoft4.com.br / Assunto: Técnico de Suporte

quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2019

Oportunidade para Desenvolvedor de Sistemas

- Realizar levantamento de necessidades dos usuários;
- Desenvolver sistemas, conforme demandas e necessidades da empresa;
- Realizar a manutenção dos sistemas existentes na empresa.

- Conhecimento básico em desenvolvimento de sistemas, orientação à objetos e em SQL/Banco de Dados.

- Cursando Ensino Superior em Sistemas de Informação ou cursos similares.

Interessados devem se candidatar no seguinte link:  www.piccadilly.com.br/oportunidades

Fernanda Silva | Banco de Talentos
Faculdades Integradas de Taquara
51 3541-6683

Vagas para Desenvolvimento de Sistemas na FACCAT

Estamos com vagas abertas para desenvolvedor PHP. Requisitos:

* Experiência com desenvolvimento de sistemas com PHP, HTML, Javascript e CSS;
* Experiência com bancos de dados relacionais;
Experiência com o Framework Laravel.

Interessados devem enviar currículo para sapiras@faccat.br

Vagas em aberto na Rocket.Chat

Estamos com algumas vagas em aberto na Rocket.Chat.

As vagas estão disponíveis em https://jobs.rocket.chat

Senior Backend Engineer - Rocket.Chat Apps Team

City:     Porto Alegre

Job Description

The Rocket.Chat Apps Team is responsible for the Apps-Engine framework, which allows developers to make plugins (apps) to extend Rocket.Chat's functionality without having to deep dive into the core codebase. Along with the framework itself, we work on official integrations through the Apps-Engine, maintain the tooling around it and integrate Rocket.Chat with our Marketplace

For this job position we are seeking a professional that meets the following expectations:


  • Improve, maintain and add APIs on the Apps-Engine framework.
  • Implement modern JS tooling to improve app development experience (DX).
  • Support in getting info from our users to create a better and more developer friendly project.
  • Review code contributed by the community and coworkers
  • Create and maintain documentation for all new features.
  • Triage bugs reported by the community.
  • Make quality and easy to maintain code.
  • Take initiative to improve our workflow and development experience.

  • Understand OOP concepts.
  • Strong understanding of Node.js
  • Experience with unity testing.
  • Strong written communication skills.
  • Familiarity with TypeScript is a plus.
Mais Informações: http://bit.ly/2ZmI3hG


Front-end Developer

City:     Porto Alegre

Job Description

The Frontend team works specifically with the Rocket.Chat webclient, fixing bugs, making new features, improving code quality and tests. Most new developers work on all aspects of the webclient, but you can work on specialized areas as project architecture, tooling or performance as well.

For this job position we are seeking a professional that meets the following expectations:

  • Implement modern JS tooling to improve development workflow.
  • Measure and optimize the webclient performance.
  • Support in getting info from our users to create a better and developer friendly project.
  • Review code contributed by the community and coworkers
  • Create and maintain documentation for all new features.
  • Triage bugs reported by the community.
  • Make quality and easy to maintain code.
  • Take initiative to improve our workflow and development experience.


  • Know functional programming concepts.
  • Experience with unity testing.
  • Strong written communication skills.
  • Knowledge about software, algorithms and performance.

Mais Informações: http://bit.ly/2HjEK4U


Senior Backend Engineer LDAP / Data Import & Export

City   Porto Alegre

Job Description

The backend team works specifically with the Rocket.Chat core components, providing APIs, automated processes, authentication, access control and integrations with third party systems. Backend engineers work with performance improvements, code refactor and architecture definitions as well.

For this job position we are seeking a professional that meets the following expectations:

  • Implement modern JS tooling to improve development workflow.
  • Measure and optimize the server performance.
  • Support in getting info from our users to create a better and developer friendly project.
  • Review code contributed by the community and coworkers
  • Create and maintain documentation for all new features.
  • Triage bugs reported by the community.
  • Make quality and easy to maintain code.
  • Take initiative to improve our workflow and development experience.
  • Implement new features and maintain current LDAP implementation.
  • Implement new data importers/exporters and maintain current ones.


  • Know functional programming concepts.
  • Experience with unity testing.
  • Strong written communication skills.
  • Knowledge about software, algorithms and performance.
  • Knowledge about LDAP/AD management and data structure.

  • Knowledge about ADFS, AD Forests and LDAPDIFF.

Mais Informações: http://bit.ly/2zgMuQI